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From Hustle to Heartbeat: Prioritizing Garment Design in My Business

LaNae Designz

Hey everyone,


It's time for a real talk. Lately, I've felt like a hamster on a wheel, spinning faster and faster without truly going anywhere. The endless daily to-do list, the feeling of needing to be everywhere and do everything…it almost started to suck the joy out of something I love dearly: garment designing. If you've been following me for a while, you know I wear a lot of hats. Designer, sewist, shop owner, marketing, sales, customer service, logistics, you name it – I’ve juggled it. And while each task is important, I was neglecting my Sewist love for Design a little lately.

So, I stopped, while in the middle of a multicolor jacket I was working on. Took a deep breath, and asked myself a question: "What would happen if I shifted my focus? What if, instead of chasing after everything, I allowed myself to chase after the very thing that brought me here in the first place – the passion, the creativity, the magic of designing beautifully unique outfits?" I pondered that thought as I continued working. When I finished the jacket, I was happy with the material and colors in it because it was so versatile and different and beautiful. I anxiously paired it with two pieces I made earlier in the year.

It took a moment (several days to be exact) to discover the answer, I realized, it was freedom. Freedom to explore. Freedom to experiment. Freedom to fall in love with the process and fabrics all over again. I always had it but operating between online and boutique and multiple projects intertwined. I was just on the go a lot and the free flow of ideas felt rushed. This isn't a goodbye to the other aspects of my business. Marketing, logistics, and the business side of things are still important. But here's the thing: when I prioritize my design heart, everything else starts to click into place. The marketing becomes more authentic, the products more meaningful, and the connections with you, my amazing community, deeper and more fulfilling.

This isn't just a personal resolution, it's a mindset shift. Here are a few ways I'm reframing my journey:

  • My passion is calling. Let's face it, marketing spreadsheets can't compete with the thrill of sketching a new silhouette or finding the perfect fabric for a dream dress. My heart sings loudest when I'm designing, and that's the energy I want to infuse into my entire business.

  • Prioritizing what I say no and yes to. This means being selective with collaborations, projects, and time management. My time and energy are precious, and I want to dedicate them to the things that truly spark a creative fire and happiness. Sure, I’ll still make time for family, friends and other important engagements and activities outside of the sewing room.  

  • Creating space for exploration and experimentation. Whether it's playing with new fabrics, trying out innovative techniques, or simply sketching with wild abandon, I'm carving out time for uninhibited creative play. This is where the seeds of amazing designs are sown. It's the soul of my brand. My designs aren't just clothes, they're art displayed in thread and stitch. They embody a vision, a feeling, a connection. When I focus on a design, I'm not just creating clothes and accessories, I'm building a brand that resonates on an emotional level.

  • Connecting with the "why" behind my designs. Every stitch, every silhouette, every detail – it all tells a story. I'm focusing on making sure those stories resonate with me and, hopefully, with you too.

This shift isn't just about business, it's about rediscovering the joy of creation. It's about reminding myself why I started this journey in the first place, and that's something I want to share with you all.

So, the next time you see me posting, it might be a little different. You might see more sketches, more raw materials, more behind-the-scenes glimpses of the design process. You might even see me trying out something completely new and unexpected.

That's because this is no longer just a business, it's a creative adventure, and I want you to be a part of it. Join me as I feel the heartbeat of my passion, and who knows, maybe together we'll discover something truly magical along the way.

I'd love to hear your thoughts! What are you passionate about? Are you excited to see what this new chapter brings? Share your thoughts in the comments below! And remember, don't be afraid to prioritize what makes your heart sing. Whether it's design, marketing, baking cookies – chase your passion and let it guide your journey.

With love and creative fire,


P.S. Stay tuned for a special announcement about a new design project I'm working on!

In the meantime, your welcome to visit and checkout my online boutique.

If you would like to have a custom garment made, click here.


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